

Streams and indicative topics

Art & Cyberspace, chair: Jana Horáková

illustrative topics: (new) media works of art as subjects of historiography; (new) media works of art and issues concerning their archiving; strategies of documentation, preservation, and mediation of (new) media works of art; the Art of COVID-19: migration of art into the cyberspace in the age of the coronavirus pandemics; representations of (corona)virus and/or the pandemics by means of art, new media art and sci-art

Law: Cybersecurity, Cyber-Warfare, chair: Václav Stupka

illustrative topics: cyber terrorism; cyber warfare; use of force on-line; active countermeasures; response teams; ius ad bellum/ius in bello; the NIS Directive; Cybersecurity Package

Law: Cybercrime, Digital Evidence, chair: Aleš Završnik

illustrative topics: criminal procedure issues, e.g. data retention and data preservation, real-time collection, interception, European Investigation Order, European Production and Preservation Orders, digital forensics; cyber crimes, e.g. phishing, ransomware; cybercrime agencies, responding to and preventing cybercrime, jurisdictional issues in cybercrime, impacts of COVID-19 on cybercrime e.g. new trends, zoombombing

Law: eCommerce, Digital Single Market, chair: Pavel Loutocký

illustrative topics: information society services; sharing economy; search engines; platforms; electronic and virtual currencies; payment and micropayment systems; eCommerce taxation; AML and CTF measures

Law: Government 2.0, chairs: Ludwig Gramlich, Pavel Loutocký

illustrative topics: open government; open data; re-use of public sector information; on-line public procurement; on-line legal counselling; e-identity and eIDAS; mobile government; e-participation v e-democracy; social media in public sector; internet governance

Legal Informatics, chairs: Erich Schweighofer, Jakub Harašta

illustrative topics: AI in law, human-computer interfaces, on-line promulgation of law, automated processing of case-law, new search techniques, legal data analysis, AI for justice, smart contracts, automation of law

Law: Intellectual Property On-Line, chairs: Andreas Wiebe, Matěj Myška

illustrative topics: copyright; common copyright title; digital rights management; open source; open access; exceptions and limitations to IP; fair use; fair dealing; protection of software; licensing; P2P networks; trademarks on-line; collective management of copyright; trademarks in auction and search servers; TDM and limitations; IP in public sector information; protection of raw data

International Internet Law, chair: Dan Svantesson

illustrative topics: public international law and the Internet; private international law and the Internet, extraterritoriality online; Brussels I, Rome I, Rome II and the internet; cross-border on-line defamation; place of damage; electronic choice of law and choice of forum; international on-line arbitration; cross-border consumer protection and consumer arbitration; cross-border eCommerce; cross-border online intellectual property issues

Law: Privacy and Personal Data, chair: Jakub Míšek, Bettina Bacher

illustrative topics: GDPR (incl. national implementations), e-regulation, anonymizers, intelligence snooping, privacy-by-design, right to be forgotten, counter-surveillance, DPIA, international data transfers; contact tracing, privacy and ethics

New Media and Politics, chairs: Monika Metyková, Alena Macková

illustrative topics: online political communication; new media in elections and campaigns; new media, democracy and civic participation; hacktivism; new media and political polarization; online public spheres; new media and political mobilization

Internet and Society, chair: Jakub Macek, Iveta Jansová

illustrative topics: new media in everyday lives; digital divide; communities in cyberspace; anthropology of cyberspace; gender and internet; new media and social services; online media and transformation of journalism; new media and media audiences; virtual worlds

Psychology of Cyberspace, chair: David Šmahel, Hana Macháčková

illustrative topics: impact of the Internet use on individuals and family; Internet addiction; online identities; counseling and therapy online; Internet, sexuality and intimacy; human personality online; e-learning; online gaming; cyberbullying; online victimization; technology and health; online risks and opportunities; security from user perspectives

„State of exception“, COVID style. Legal theory & IT implementation, chairs: Herbert Hrachovec, Andreas Kirchner

illustrative topics: Carl Schmitt’s legacy; emergency jurisdiction; libertarian protests; behavioral control (apps, databases); human rights, biopolitical interventions, computer-based social prognosis, expiry date systems.