Deep Layers 2022

Deep Layers 2022

The Deep Layers 2022 serves as an event to connect people, share knowledge, compare approaches and see how specific model architectures can help solve particular tasks. Since the meeting became bigger this year, we will have two days to discuss machine learning (ML) topics:

  • On September 20th, we will go through ML tutorials covering ML elements such as data requirements & treatment, basic model types or ways to understand ML decisions. Then you can enjoy lunch and discuss in front of posters with respective authors. Afternoon time will be focused on deep learning elements.
  • On September 21st, specialists from various fields will show us the usage of AI in signal, spectral or image processing (after a lunch) throughout different fields.




The meeting is organized by a scientific group of Artificial Intelligence and Medical Technologies with the support of the Brno.AI platform and with the financial support of Strategie AV21.